Fighting for Women in the Workplace

Opportunity and Equality Impact Collective

We believe in a just economy where all people enjoy basic human rights and freedom from discrimination, violence, and oppression. Our goal is to ensure that each individual is free from sexual harassment, abuse, violence, and inequality in the workplace and beyond, with opportunities to succeed and thrive, both economically and personally.

Fighting for Women in the Workplace
We support grassroots groups and organizers at the local and national level who are protecting and fighting for workers’ rights and gender justice.

To combat a pandemic, economic crisis, and attacks on abortion access, we have focused on funding reproductive justice efforts and protections for frontline workers.

We invite you to join us by making a contribution today!

Donate on this page or by check (Memo: Equality & Opportunity) to WDN at PO Box 2930, San Francisco, CA 94126.